Monday, November 06, 2006

What's on Tonight (11/06/06)? [David Stefanini]

On most Monday nights, I would be telling all you guys to watch Monday Night Football. However does anyone in their right state of mind want to watch unranked college football teams? Oh excuse me, I meant to say the Raiders and the Seahawks. So other than that...
On at 8et:
Prison Break (Watch)
On at 9et:
Heroes (Watch... this truly is a great new show)
On at 10et:
Studio60 (I am yet to watch it, but I have heard some decent things.)
Also, you could turn on the 0-0 score on the football game; but that's entirely your call.
You may notice that 3 of the 4 shows mention are NBC. That is merely a coincidence. All stations have decent shows, stay tuned for the rest of the week's updates to see the other stations come on strong.