Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Jason Schmidt Signs With the Dodgers: [David Stefanini]

It has just been reported that free-agent Jason Schmidt has signed a 3 year $47 million dollar contract.
This past season Schmidt was an All-Star for the Giants. He posted a record of 11-9 (which is good considering the team he played for), with a 3.59 ERA. Most scouts have been saying he is the best available pitcher on the market this off-season with the exception of Matsuzaka.
The Dodgers signed him hoping to replace Maddux who they just lost to the Padres a couple of days ago. If the Dodgers were offered Schmidt for Maddux, they would be flat-out stupid not to make the deal.
I personally felt the Mets should of went after Schmidt instead of going after Barry Zito, who the Mets may not land in the first place.