Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Bagels...Baseball...And Can You Smell the Hot Dogs? [J. Mark English]

For the Yanks, it was a day for pitchers and catchers to report. The Mets pitchers and catchers will report two days from now. Lets take a look at some of the top stories surrounding the Bronx Bombers:
  • Mariano Rivera stirs the straw early on in Spring Training, speculating as to whether or not he'll be returning next year. (Whoever has to manager this team without Rivera, will learn the harsh realities of life without certainty.)
  • Joel Sherman on the cold, harsh logic that Brian Cashman has displayed over the past off season.
  • Mark Feinsand has more on the apparent ending of Bernie William's career with the Yankees.
  • Jim Baumbach looks ahead to even more possible endings concerning the Bombers, with visions into what may come of Joe Torre's career.

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