Sunday, February 04, 2007

Local Media: Unfair & Unbalanced - Indy Star & Chicago Tribune [J. Mark English]

John Bergen of New Jersey enters Dolphin Stadium in Miami. (Tribune)
It's showtime!
Picks: Reporters | Chicagosports | Jeremy Piven | John Edwards
The game: Morrissey: Cold feet | Downey: Too geeked?
Weather: Rain predicted | Full forecast
Your turn: Vote | Message board | Jokes
Fans: Fever pitch | Brats? Check | In Iraq
Miami scene: Kass: Real bellies | Dahl: Poncho boy
TV: CBS + Colts? | Bears vs. puppies | Halftime
Ads: Victors get spoils | Ads blogged | Photos
Parties: NFL raps churches | 2 days, 3 parties | South Beach | Playboy
Guides: For fans | Anti-fans | Party guide
Photos: Chicago | Miami | Blog: A photographer's perspective
Video: From you | From us
Watch with us: Play-by-play coverage

Indy Star takes up the top half, Chicago Tribune the bottom half...

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